Tammy and Joseph met while working together at Lowe’s eight years ago. Joseph led his friends to believe he would never get married. So when he asked all of his friends for their addresses to send them “Christmas Cards,” they were quite surprised to find out they were being invited to the wedding that was never supposed to happen. Joseph was finally marrying Tammy. They held their wedding at The Odyssey in Granada Hills and had a beautiful (albeit cold) nighttime wedding outside in the gazebo. The gazebo was adorned with red floral Mickeys…a precursor to the not so Hidden Mickeys that were waiting all throughout the Garden Room inside.
After the grand entrance and a sweet thank you speech, Joe decided to channel his “Inner-Elvis” and sing “Can’t Help Falling In Love” to Tammy. He did such a great job that the guests wanted more, so he sang “I Want You, I Need You, I Love You” as an encore.
After dinner, the guests packed the dance floor. They took a break to slow things down for the married couples dance, and we found out one couple was married 11 years that day and another was married for 45 years. Then Tammy and Joseph went to cut their wedding cake with…surprise…a Mickey and Minnie cake topper was crowning the top tier. It should come as no surprise that the morning after their wedding, Tammy and Joseph hopped aboard a plane headed to Orlando for their Disney World honeymoon. I have to admit…this Disney fan is kind of jealous.
Dave’s recommended vendors from this wedding included:
- The Odyssey Restaurant – www.theodysseyrestaurant.com
- Rose Petal Events – Rose Gomez – www.rosepetalevent.com
- Kani Park Photography – www.kanipark.com